October 2023 newsletter

Dear friends of «Pislya Sluzhby»!

Please note the newsletter with events of October.

Traditionally, in the monthly newsletter we talk about the most interesting meetings and results of the work of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation, and about achievements in the empowering of veterans.

Our Foundation helps our defenders in various directions, paying great attention to education and retraining, because, according to statistics, 50% of veterans want to radically change their field of activity and start a new career after military service.

One of such storіes is a case of an active-duty military Oleksandra, whom our Foundation assisted in learning English.

Sasha was captured on Azovstal, from which, fortunately, she was released. In the nearest plans of the military - to apply for postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law. For this she needs to deepen her knowledge of the English language.

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On October 13-14th the «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation team visited the Conference in London

The scientific Conference «Out of War: Global Insights on Reintegration to Support Strategies for Ukraine's Front-Line Returnees» was dedicated to the full-scale war in Ukraine, the problems and needs of veterans and their integration into civilian life.

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Also our colleagues visited «Iron Heroes»

It was a panel discussion, where leading experts in the field of prosthetics and medical technologies shared their experiences and presented innovative solutions for the rehabilitation of soldiers and civilians affected by the consequences of russian aggression.

Such events provide an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, find potential partners and assist Ukrainians to cope with the consequences of the war.

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On October 24th, in the office of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) the Meeting to Support Families of Fallen Soldiers took place

The meeting was attended by the director of our Foundation Halyna Morar, the President of the international organization TAPS, Bonnie Carroll, the coordinator of TAPS partner programs Fatma Megrahi, the director of the TAPS-Ukraine foundation Yulia Dmytrova, wives and mothers of fallen military and our partners, working with these families, such as the Chair of the NGO «Strong Ukrainian Mother» Viktoria Kravchuk, and the Chair of the NGO «United Family of Donbas» Halyna Brazhnyk.

Together we discussed our current projects for military families and ways to support those who have lost family members.

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Traditionally we held our «Veteran Connect» with veterans

Veterans learned about job opportunities in the air conditioning systems market, received legal advice from a lawyer and showed a keen interest in the possibility of software testing training, and they were also the first to learn about the upcoming events of the Charity Foundation «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service).

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We regularly conduct master classes for military personnel, veterans and their families, because such activities are one of the methods of integrating veterans into civilian life and a form of psychological rehabilitation.

On October 13th, 2023, the Master class on Petrykiv painting, conducted by professional artist Hanna Shostak, has happened:

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On October 27th, 2023, the creative team of ARTREHUB conducted an art rehabilitation practice called «My Symbol», where participants created their own personalized symbols with unique sacred message, which they will transfer to T-shirts during the next session.

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In October, it also took place the Presentation of the research «The Way of Veterans», created by the Veteran Hub team and IREX in Ukraine with the support of The United States Department of State.

You can review the manual at this link.

Please tell your veteran friends about our work. For more information, refer to our website.

Become our donor

Share your experience or time as a volunteer. The need is real, as the war continues! 1.5 million Ukrainian veterans will be in the final phase of Russian military aggression after the victory. Contact us to provide assistance

Our organization is called "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service). However, many of our friends, family, brothers- and sisters-in-arms are not after service; they are still in service... defending Ukraine. So let's work together to help those who protect us all and ensure our ability to live as a free people.

Together to victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

6 November 2023