Supervisory Board

Supervisory board

Edward V. Marshall - founder of Pislya Sluzhby. CEO of Presage Global. Advisor to the Kyiv School of Economics. Board of the Defense Intelligence Memorial Foundation. MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business.

Valentyn Gvozdiy - managing Partner at GOLAW. Vice President of the Ukrainian National Bar Association. Head of the Supervisory Board at Ukrhydroenergo PJSC.

Tristan Flannery - CEO of Orbital Risk. Army Veteran - 75th Ranger Regiment. MBA from the Chicago Booth School of Business.

Brad Dragoon - director at HKA. MBA from Duke Fuqua School of Business.

Matt Flug - senior Vice President at Sands Point Risk. JD from Syracuse University.

Advisory board

Jim Lorraine
President & CEO

Jim Lorraine is the President and CEO of America’s Warrior Partnership, who served in the U.S. Air Force as a Flight Nurse Attendant with nine combat deployments. Mr. Lorraine retired as the Deputy Command Surgeon for the United States Special Operations Command after 22 years of service. He was a founding member of the US Special Operations Command Care Coalition and served as Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Warrior and Family Support.

Olexander Tereshchenko is the Adviser on Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of Veterans, returning them to civilian life. Oleksandr is a Veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Cyborg, holder of the "For Courage" Order of the III degree, and "National Hero of Ukraine." During the defense of the Donetsk airport, he lost his right arm and left hand and received severe eye injuries. He founded his own eponymous charitable foundation, Oleksandr Tereshchenko, and has been since helping war veterans in returning to civilian life, implementing projects and veteran businesses, and supporting family members of fallen Heroes.

Fedor Shandor is an Adviser on Education and Retraining, a Doctor of Philosophy, and a Professor at the Uzhgorod National University.

Serving in the Armed Forces on the front line, he continued to conduct online lectures for his students, which earned him the fame of the "Professor from the Trench."

Igor Shaposhnikov is our Business Development Advisor, IT, and Data Science Sales Expert. He has been active as a Volunteer since 2016.

Serhiy Poznyak is an Adviser on Entrepreneurship and Business Relations. He is the Chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs-Veterans of ATO.

Serhiy is a Financial and Investment Expert with more than 20 years of experience and a Junior sergeant of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Mr. Poznyak is also the Owner and CEO of the brands Cronvest and FinStream and an Adviser to the Government Office on attracting investments.

Vasyl Rybak – PhD, President of the Ukrainian Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.

Head of the Rehabilitation and Reconstructive Surgery Center.

Ksenia Voznitsyna – Director of the Center for Mental Health and Rehabilitation «Lisova Polyana» of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Konstantin Tatarkin - a veteran and expert in the commemoration and reintegration of veterans, served as an advisor to the Minister and head of the Department of Veterans Affairs from 2019 to 2021.
