
Our mission is to support Ukrainian veterans in achieving success after their service. We are actively working to address virtually all aspects of veterans' lives, from psychological issues to rehabilitation and health, from job searching to professional education.

Our vision for solving military-related problems in civilian life includes:

  • Providing resources, training, and promoting the successful adaptation of Ukrainian veterans, reducing the number of suicides among veterans
  • Creating a community for veterans and preparing a society that cares for them
  • Bringing together professional organizations, businesses, foundations, government agencies, and volunteer movements dedicated to veterans' issues

We directly address urgent military and veteran issues and accept requests in the following areas:

  • Health, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation
  • Psychological support
  • Education and retraining, language learning, and professional skills development
  • Legal support and access to government-provided benefits
  • Employment and offering new career opportunities

The «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation initiates and implements a variety of projects aimed at supporting veterans and active servicemen.

We accept requests from military personnel and veterans to address individual, specific issues. The results of some of these requests can be reviewed in detail on our website in the «Results» section.

Project Activities of the «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation:

The Patronage Service's organization

We conduct trainings "On Organization of Patronage Service in units" using the case management experience of the "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service).

Reports from previous events

Psychological Support Group for Those Who Are Waiting

We organize closed support groups for women and girls who are waiting for their loved ones to return from the war. These groups are held weekly for two months under the guidance of Olga Pletka, a candidate in psychological sciences. Women receive psychological support that contributes to their increased stability, helping them not only cope with the anticipation but also deal with their own pain within a supportive community.

Reports from previous events

«Stop and Rest»

We organize rest and accommodation for veterans in hotel rooms near the Central Railway Station in Kyiv, which is crucial for soldiers who are constantly on the move and away from home. The services include short-term stays with the opportunity to take a shower or spend the night while waiting for their train home or to their place of service. It's a small but important element of caring for our military.

Project updates | Registration form

"Veteran Talk: Monday English Speaking Club"

An English speaking club for veterans. Participants have the opportunity to improve their spoken English skills and engage in conversations with other club members. The club includes games and interactive tasks to enhance language proficiency, as well as themed sessions to learn and practice important and interesting topics.

Project updates | Registration form

Veterans' Club «Veteran Connect»

Every last Wednesday of the month, we organize gatherings for veterans where we discuss pressing issues. These meetings are attended by psychologists, volunteers, as well as veterans and military personnel. The gatherings are held to address and identify the issues at hand, and after the formal part, we treat participants to pizza and engage in closer and more informal discussions.

Reports from previous events | Registration form

Games of heroes

Our Foundation became a partner of Games of Heroes. With the support of the foundation, a series of large video clips were created to train adaptive athletes with various types of injuries and injuries.

Full videos are available for viewing after registration.

Project updates

«Psychological Assistance Educational Seminar Series»

The main goal of this project is to help participants acquire the necessary skills and tools to provide effective psychological support in stressful and crisis situations. The seminar program contributes to the development of emotional self-regulation skills, stress management, and the building of healthy relationships. Participants gain knowledge on recognizing signs of stress and how to react to them promptly while stabilizing their mental well-being.

Reports from previous events

Art Meetings

As part of psychological rehabilitation, we organize cultural events for veterans with the aim of diverting their attention from the war and helping them adapt to civilian life more quickly. We host weekly workshops in various forms of art, such as oil painting, intuitive drawing, and traditional applied arts, such as decorating Easter eggs or crafting clay products.

Reports from previous events | Registration form | Art Telegram-channel

«Pizza to the Hospital»

We collaborate with Veterano Pizza to ensure that as many veterans as possible learn about the «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation, its activities, projects, and services. We also aim to treat wounded soldiers to delicious pizza. Our partners deliver pizza to hospitals where Ukrainian soldiers receive treatment. Additionally, we plan to organize joint workshops for children and adults.


«PlayBack» Theater

We organize playback theater performances where every audience member has the opportunity to become an active participant in the performance if they wish. We invite veterans to participate in these performances, using theatrical techniques to help war participants and their families overcome trauma and other feelings associated with service in conflict zones. This is an excellent tool for participants that helps them share their emotions, view situations from a different perspective, and perhaps find new ways to approach any situation.

Reports from previous events

Film Coaching Sessions

This project involves the viewing of educational video materials on the understanding and management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We invite military personnel, veterans, psychologists, and volunteers to discuss these video materials, providing them with a theoretical foundation for working with individuals who have similar traumas. In the future, we plan to conduct film coaching sessions in an online format for the convenience and accessibility of a wider audience.

Reports from previous events

The projects of the «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation are the first steps in providing comprehensive support to Ukrainian veterans. These projects help veterans adapt, offer support, and provide psychological rehabilitation, contributing to their overall well-being while emphasizing that they are not alone.
