Our mission


Empowering Ukrainian veterans to succeed after service


To resource, prepare, and promote the successful transitions for Ukrainian veterans and reduce veteran suicide

Our values


Ukrainian employers are losing talent that is difficult and expensive to replace

Education programs, employers, and employment agencies lack the expertise to recruit, retain, and help translate the sought-after skills of Ukrainian veterans(loyalty, reliability, integrity, communication skills, and self-discipline)

Ukrainian veteran suicide was a problem before 2022 and remains a growing problem

Ukrainian mental health professionals lack the tools and training to deal with the scale of the issues veterans face today:

  • financial problems
  • unemployment
  • lack of adequate housing
  • substance abuse
  • failure to reintegrate into civilian society
  • moral injury
  • untreated emotional distress
  • physical injuries
  • lack of community
  • pre-existing mental health vulnerabilities

Research also shows that those who served in the military for less than three years are at greatest risk for suicide

Psychological help

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