About us

Who are we

We are a non-profit organization, Charity Foundation "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service). As can be derived from the name, we focus on the military and veteran audiences, namely Ukrainian veterans. And this fund was established for them in 2022 in Ukraine.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the community responded by creating many foundations that engaged in charitable activities in Ukraine. In turn, we decided to care for our veterans, who will inevitably face the challenge of reintegrating into civilian life after the war.

Our mission is to help Ukrainian veterans to succeed after Service. Therefore, we work to cover virtually all aspects of veterans' life: from psychological problems to rehabilitation and reintegration, from employment search to professional education.

Our vision of solving military problems in civilian life includes the following:

  • Providing resources, preparing and promoting the successful adaptation of Ukrainian veterans, and reducing the number of suicides among military personnel.
  • Creating a community for veterans and raising societal awareness about it.
  • Organizing professional organizations, businesses, foundations, state institutions, and volunteer movements to deal with veterans' issues.

What makes us different?

We are apolitical organization focused on filling gaps that
prevent wounded Ukrainian veterans to succeed after service

Audited financials in US and Ukraine
Regular reporting on activities, expenditures, and results

Governance and structure

Experienced Board of Directors and Staff
US Non-Profit (501(c)3) + companion Ukrainian registered
Non-Profit humanitarian organization

Ability to nurture a community for veterans to help them thrive
and connect with peers

Focus on best practices
Deep connections to the most effective US veteran service


With American VSO and with academic and clinical researchers
focused on veteran success factors and veteran suicide
