January 2024 newsletter

Dear friends of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service)!

Traditionally, in the monthly newsletter we inform you of the most interesting meetings and results of «Pislya Sluzhby» Foundation and veterans achievements.

Let's start with our cases:

«Pislya Sluzhby» Foundation helped veteran Oleksandr master a new profession by covering the expenses for the «Polygraph Examiner» course.

Ahead for Oleksandr is a job search by profession.

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The Fund paid the cost of training of active military man Andriy, who expressed a desire to get a new profession, at copywriting and rewriting courses.

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Our Foundation covered the cost of psychology courses for Maryna, who due to personal circumstances can no longer be in the ranks of the Armed Forces, but plans to continue helping the military as a military psychologist.

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In January, the «Pislya Sluzhby» Foundation had a lot of new partners with whom we signed Memorandums of Cooperation and Interaction:

On January 15th, 2024 - with the Head of the "Rehabilitation Forces of Ukraine" Public Association, Igor Dubinin. More
On January 19th - with the "VO VG HELP ARMY" Charity Organization. More
On January 22 - with the President of the "Citizen" Charitable Foundation, Olena Schmidt. More
On January 24th - with the Founder of the «BON» Charity Foundation, Oresta Brit. More
On January 25th - with the Director of the Kyiv City Employment Center, Dmytro Novytskyi. More

On January 26th, 2024, the "Career Forum" was held, at which our Foundation was represented by the «Pislya Sluzhby» case manager Oleksandr Vitsan.

More details 

​Also, traditionally, we held our "Veteran Connect" with veterans.

The meeting was attended by Oleksandr Vovk and his friends - coaches who are the role models for both - our veterans and the whole world, as well as the soloist of the band "Bakhroma", Roman Bakharev.

More details

Please tell your veteran friends about our work. For more information, refer to our website.

Become our donor

Share your experience or time as a volunteer. The need is real, as the war continues! Contact us to provide assistance

Our organization is called "Pislya Sluzhby". However, many of our friends, family, brothers- and sisters-in-arms are not after service; they are still in service... defending Ukraine. So let's work together to help those who protect us all and ensure our ability to live as a free people.

Together to victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

6 February 2024