The «Career Forum» 26.01.2024

The «Career Forum» 26.01.2024

On January 26th, 2024, the «Career Forum», organized by Kyiv Military Hub and the Kyiv City Employment Center was held.

The opening remarks were made by the Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration for self-governing powers, Maryna Khondi, the Head of the Employment Center Dmytro Novytskyi, and the case manager of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Oleksandr Vitsan.

As part of the Forum, the Employment Center conducted a «Job Search Techniques» seminar. There, veterans had the opportunity to communicate directly with employers, learn about current job vacancies, as well as available educational programs, courses, and study conditions at the country's leading universities and technical vocational schools.

Representatives of many companies were present at the Forum, and our Foundation has reached agreements for collaboration with them – we will post their job vacancies on our social networks, and they are ready to hire veterans whom we care for.

We thank the organizers and partners for their cooperation!

And to our Defenders for the opportunity to organize such a necessary event.

30 January 2024