September 2023 newsletter

Dear friends of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service)!

Please note the newsletter dated October 3, 2023 with events of September.

Traditionally, in the monthly newsletter we talk about the most interesting meetings and results of the work of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation, and about achievements in the empowering of veterans.

The Foundation does not stop helping our defenders with treatment and rehabilitation.

During September we shared 2 stories of military personnel and veterans with whom our Foundation cooperates:

  • Payment for a Knee Joint Implant for Our Defender Ruslan. More details
  • Assistance of the Foundation «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) in the rehabilitation of a veteran Ayrat. More details

We also conducted a survey among veterans about their fears about life after the war

You can find the results here 

On September 4th, a new partnership with UNBA was established

The founder of the Foundation Edward Marshall, the director Halyna Morar and the President of the Ukrainian National Bar Association Lidia Izovitova signed the Memorandum on cooperation and interaction.

This will allow us to introduce new forms and methods for providing high-quality legal assistance to veterans. More details 

Another new partner of the Foundation is the legal company «Network of Law»

With their extensive experience, the experts from the company are already actively providing consultations to our veterans and participating in live broadcasts, answering all the questions from our subscribers. More details 

«Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) expands the partnership network

The Charity Foundation «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) entered into a Memorandum of Cooperation and Collaboration with the municipal budget institution «Kyiv City Center for Assistance to Participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation» (Kyiv Military Hub).

This cooperation will contribute to the success of combatants after their release from military service, provide them with the necessary resources, and represent another significant stride towards their successful adaptation. More details 

The director of the Foundation, Halyna Morar, took part in a live broadcast on Channel 5, where she discussed the Foundation's areas of work and the opportunities we provide for military personnel. Watch here 

Presentation of the Reform Program by Maxim Gurtovyy

On September 30, 2023, in our «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation's office, there was a presentation of the Reform Program by Maxim Gurtovyy – a volunteer, combat veteran, operator of an ATGM «Javelin» and teacher.

During the presentation, Maxim covered the topical issue of reforming such a school subject as «Pre-conscription military training». He shared his proposals for improving its teaching and explained how paying sufficient attention to this discipline would improve the situation in our country as a whole. More details

Watch the presentation

Please tell your veteran friends about our work.
For more information, refer to our website.

Become our donor

Share your experience or time as a volunteer. The need is real, as the war continues! 1.5 million Ukrainian veterans will be in the final phase of Russian military aggression after the victory. Contact us to provide assistance

Our organization is called "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service). However, many of our friends, family, brothers- and sisters-in-arms are not after service; they are still in service... defending Ukraine. So let's work together to help those who protect us all and ensure our ability to live as a free people.

Together to victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

3 October 2023