Fears about life after the war

At the last meeting of the "Happy Hours" club, representatives of our Foundation conducted a small survey among our veterans about their fears about life after the war.

We obtained the following results:

  • 11% of veterans are afraid that the received injury may affect the prejudiced attitude of those around them (civilians, doctors and command);
  • 21% are afraid that after the war they will not be able to get used to a peaceful life;
  • 32% of military personnel are afraid that they will not be able to find a job after the war;
  • 36% of veterans are afraid that "the state will forget about them when they are no longer needed."

Our survey almost identically coincides with the research conducted by our partners, "The Pryncyp" Human Rights Center team. It was mainly attended by men aged 41-50, most of them are currently in military service and undergoing treatment or rehabilitation.

At the same time, it should be added that after the victory, 69% of respondents expressed plans to return to their pre-war work or choose another field of activity (not related to military service), and only 9% want to remain in military service. This decision is significantly influenced by a combination of factors: from the current psycho-emotional and physical state to the attitude of the leadership of the army to the servicemen.

Half of the respondents answered that they feel confused about their future life. At the same time, the majority of veterans indicated that they want to realize dreams that were not realized before the war and are making plans for them.

Currently, the surveyed military personnel feel the greatest need for medical assistance, complex rehabilitation and legal protection.

You can contact our charitable foundation with these questions and apply for assistance of “Pislya Sluzhby” by registering on our website.

4 September 2023