Payment for a Knee Joint Implant for Our Defender

Payment for a Knee Joint Implant for Our Defender

Ruslan is an active-duty military man who was injured at the beginning of June 2023 near Soledar.

He didn't have an open wound, so in Kramatorsk doctors gave him injections and drained fluid from his knee, but this did not bring relief.
MRI diagnosed a completely torn meniscus and the initial stage of necrosis.

The Medical Military Commission directed Ruslan to Dnipro for a prosthetic procedure, but the hospital refused to perform the surgery and prescribed medication instead. In public hospitals, he also received refusals due to the lack of free joints.

In the Kyiv Institute of Traumatology, Ruslan was scheduled for urgent surgery, but he didn't have the money for a Knee Joint Implant.

Charity Foundation «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) assist our defender by covering the cost of the implant.

Get well soon, Warrior!

We are always by your side!

28 September 2023