April 2023 newsletter

Dear friends of "Pislya Sluzhby"!

We present you with the newsletter for May 2023. As usual, in our monthly mailing, we share the most interesting meetings and the results of the work of the "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation, as well as opportunities and achievements in developing veteran opportunities.


From chef to IT professional after a difficult injury during service

Artem was an active military member serving in the Voluntary formations of territorial communities, Voluntary Formations of the Territorial Defense Forces "Mriya." But during combat operations in March 2022, he suffered severe burns on 30-35% of his body. This became an obstacle to returning to his old profession as a chef. Our friends from "Neopalymyi," who treated the soldier for burns, recommended that he turn to "Pislya Sluzhby" for advice. Together with "Pislya Sluzhby," Artem identified a new direction for his career in IT. Read more about Artem's journey here

Despite disability, soldier defends homeland and restores health

This is the story of a marine who gave many years of his life to defend his homeland. Even with a 3rd-degree disability, he continued to serve his country, relying on his comrades and medical personnel. He continued to fight his spinal illness and injury, which led to his 2nd-degree disability. Doctors advised him to accept his condition and learn to live with it, but he did not give up hope. "Pislya Sluzhby" found opportunities for necessary treatment and rehabilitation. Read more about his story here

Signing a memorandum with the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation - another step toward a common goal

The interaction between our foundations is based on prioritizing the interests of Ukrainian veterans and their families, transparency and efficiency of activities, maximum mutual assistance, and strict compliance with Ukrainian legislation, with zero tolerance for corruption. More information is available on the website.

Memorandum on cooperation with the "Dialog" communication mentor group

The cooperation aims to create additional opportunities for Ukrainian veterans and ensure their individual development. The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation and the "Dialog" mentor group plan to jointly conduct educational and career events and organize internships and practices for veterans. More information is available on the website.

Documented cooperation with the postgraduate education institution "Center for Excellence"

The cooperation aims to help veterans receive support, acquire the necessary skills for drafting business plans and finding employment, and train as operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. More information is available on the website.

We communicate and socialize with veterans and military personnel so that more veterans can learn about the "Pislya Sluzhby" foundation and access new opportunities through the foundation. 

Our case manager Anna took a trip to visit our heroes from the Tsunami assault battalion. We are infinitely grateful to our soldiers for fighting for our Victory! A photo of the meeting is available here.

We received a priceless gift of historical significance from our friend and partner - Igor Zakharenko - a traveler who opens up the world to Ukrainians, a journalist who fights on the information front, a volunteer, and a philanthropist.

Let's support the information front together — find out more about this priceless gift here.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation is not only about solving case problems and requests but also provides emotional, intellectual, and social support to veterans and partners of the Foundation.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation partnered with the Playback Theater to help our veterans address deep problems and situations. Here is how it happened.

Veteran Connect for veterans is a tool for socialization and communication among veterans in a community of like-minded individuals.

Creative workshops held weekly meetings on using the drama method as a form of meditation and relaxation.

Here are the photos and videos from the events:


The project "Work for a Veteran is There
," implemented by Happy Monday, aims to provide career counseling and training for veterans who plan to master a civilian profession, as well as train HR specialists in private companies on how to establish effective communication with veterans and create a friendly corporate culture for them. Registration is available here

The Ukrainian Book Institute (UBI) invites veterans to participate in the cultural and artistic project competition devoted to book publications. UBI will finance the publishing of the winning author's books!

The supported list of topics includes cultural and artistic projects in the Ukrainian language related to the history of Ukraine in the context of the struggle for statehood, independence, and sovereignty, biographical books about prominent Ukrainians, as well as works for children and youth aimed at national-patriotic education, democratic values, equality, conscious responsibility, etc. For more information on the competition's terms, please visit.

Are you a young Ukrainian entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level? Consider applying for the Ukrainian Business Leaders: Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship (UBL PIE) Program.

This program aims to empower entrepreneurs, innovators, and businesspersons across Ukraine with the skills to develop innovative economic, policy, and business solutions. Through a hands-on fellowship in the United States, participants will be exposed to sound business practices, leadership skills, and networking opportunities that will position them as leaders to effect change in their businesses and communities.

UBL PIE is a month long, fully-funded program with cohorts in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

Learn more and apply by May 31: ukrainianbusinessleaders.americancouncils.org

Media Mentions

An interview from the positive news channel #ShoTam with Halyna Sernivka, where Halyna talks about where she started and where she is now. For this and more on how to help veterans now - watch the #ShoTam material.


Together with
the communication mentor group "Dialog," we are launching a survey among veterans and military personnel to determine important aspects for the psychological reintegration of veterans into systems: family, friends, and professional community.

We ask veterans and military personnel to fill out a simple questionnaire - this will help hundreds of veterans receive appropriate and adequate assistance!

The survey is entirely anonymous.

Finding employment for veterans with "Pislya Sluzhby"

Apply here

We help veterans find employment. We offer coaches who can help with career growth, business mentors who can advise on job search, and employment agencies who can help you find vacancies. We understand that the employment task lies with the veteran, so we provide them with tools and support to achieve better results.

Why hiring veterans
is a good idea? Find out in this article.

As part of the work of the "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation, on May 2, we launched a program to support women waiting for their loved ones from the frontline.

We support not only veterans but also their relatives!

This is a reminder that servicemen and their family members can stay at the hotel of the Kyiv Central Station
in rooms provided by the Charity Foundation "Pislya Sluzhby" upon presentation of tickets. Registration is mandatory.

Please tell your veteran friends about our work.
For more information, refer to our website.

Become our donor

Share your experience or time as a volunteer. The need is real, as the war continues! 1.5 million Ukrainian veterans will be in the final phase of Russian military aggression after the victory. Contact us to provide assistance

Our organization is called "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service). However, many of our friends, family, brothers- and sisters-in-arms are not after service; they are still in service... defending Ukraine. So let's work together to help those who protect us all and ensure our ability to live as a free people.

Together to victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

10 May 2023