Meeting with Ihor Zakharenko and the Priceless Gospel

Meeting with Ihor Zakharenko and the Priceless Gospel

We received a visit from Ihor Zakharenko - a traveler opening the world to Ukrainians, a journalist fighting on the information front, a volunteer, and a philanthropist.

Ihor gifted the "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation a facsimile copy of a thousand-year-old Gospel - an invaluable treasure of Ukrainian culture.

Here is some history about this artifact from Ihor Zakharenko's publications:

"We are reclaiming our cultural heritage in Ukraine!

Dear Ukrainians! I believe you all know the story of Anna Yaroslavna, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, who married French King Henry I and became the French Queen! In the city of Reims, where the coronation took place, there is a thousand-year-old Gospel that Anna brought from Kyiv and on which the French kings took their oaths. And finally, this priceless relic is returning to Ukraine! Of course, it is not the original but a facsimile copy.

This is OUR history, our heritage, and our relic too."

The Project Partner of "Reclaiming our Cultural Heritage in Ukraine" is "Feerie of Travels." The Gospel was published by the "Horobets" Publishing House in partnership with the National Reserve "Sophia of Kyiv" and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF). The book consists of two parts: the Gospel itself and scholarly explanations by historians who worked on this publication."

4 April 2023