The story of a Marine who received necessary medical assistance thanks to the "Pislya Sluzhby" team


The story of this Marine is a tale of dedication to his country and the struggle with personal challenges. He devoted many years of his life defending his homeland, but military service comes with risks and injuries that can impact one's health. Yet, even with a disability rating of 3, he continued to serve his country, relying on his comrades and medical personnel.

However, his journey didn't end after his service. He continued to battle his spinal condition and the disability resulting from his injury, classified as a 2nd-degree disability. Doctors advised him to accept his situation and learn to live with it, but he never gave up and lost hope.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" team, along with Dr. Vasyl Anatoliiovych Rybak, not only found a way to provide the Marine with medical assistance but also offered support and motivation alongside the entire medical staff. The Marine received necessary examinations, procedures, psychological support, and a planned rehabilitation program in Odessa.

This story, like many others, reminds us of the importance of caring for our veterans and the fact that they deserve our respect and support. They sacrifice their lives and health for our country, so we must do everything possible to help them reintegrate into normal life after service.

1 May 2023