Traditional meeting of the veterans' club "Veteran Connect"

Traditional meeting of the veterans' club "Veteran Connect"

Every last Wednesday of the month, our Foundation dedicates a meeting to military personnel and veterans, where they can exchange news and support each other. These regular meetings are extremely helpful and therapeutic. They are also beneficial and interesting, as our veterans come up with ideas for new initiatives and create new projects within the circle of like-minded individuals. They exchange useful contacts and jointly solve personal issues.

On August 30, 2023, the "Veteran Connect" club meeting took place at the first Ukrainian military pub, GARNIZON Military Pub. During the meeting, the Foundation's case manager, Anna, talked about the directions of her work, shared difficult medical cases that the Foundation encounters, presented a video about the successes of our veterans on their path to recovery and rehabilitation, about their new first steps and the changes that have taken place with them over the last six months, with the assistance of the Foundation.

The “Pislya Sluzhby”Foundation thanks all the participants of the "Veteran Connect" club and continues to work productively to create even more opportunities for veterans and their post-service adaptation.

The next meeting will be held on September 27, 2023. Stay tuned for our announcements.

1 September 2023