Fatigue from the War

The war in Ukraine has been going for almost 10 years.

It is the extended period of living under constant stress, tension, anxiety, disappointment, sadness from losses, and short-term euphoria from victories on the battlefield.

Now we can observe a growing sense of hopelessness and increased war fatigue. While the civilian population feels more moral fatigue, the military go through both - moral and physical exhaustion, caused by extremely difficult conditions of service.

The experience of fatigue makes us more vulnerable and weaker; we begin to need more support from ourselves and others, focusing specifically on our own condition. As a result, we may become less sensitive to the needs of others.

Considering the widespread exhaustion among both military and civilian populations, one can observe manifestations of detachment, increased resentment, irritation, disappointment with others, as well as feelings of guilt and shame. On one hand, this affects the well-being of the military, who need enhanced support that they often don't receive. On the other hand, it affects the civilian population, which, due to their fatigue, might find it challenging to provide sufficient support to others until they have restored their own well-being.

Therefore, it's essential for each of us to pay attention to our psychological state and rebuild our personal resilience in life.

What can help?

The first source is our social network. Have you noticed a decrease in your active social contacts (family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.) recently? If the answer is "yes", it's time to rebuild those connections!

The second source is our health - both physical and mental. Pay attention to the course of chronic illnesses (if you have any) and include physical activity and walks into your life. It's essential to care not only for your body, but also for your psychological state. It will be helpful to contact a psychologist, who can provide the necessary support.

The third source of strength is what we believe in, the value and meaning. Answering the next questions can help to restore this component: "What do I believe in?" "What is valuable to me?" "What is important in my life?"

The fourth component of our resilience is financial security. In case of insufficient material resources, it is worth thinking about additional sources of income.

The fifth is our activities and self-realization. Is there an activity in your life that allows you to feel satisfaction, promotes personal development, and is beneficial?

In conclusion, it's important to say that the war became a challenge for each of us and society as a whole. We must deal with it together with dignity.

A deep bow to all those who defend our country! We will be your support!

Author: Kateryna Zubkova TMS Rehab

20 October 2023