«Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation at the International Forum «Ukraine. Defenders. Future»

«Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Foundation at the International Forum «Ukraine. Defenders. Future»


On Tuesday, August 22th, the sixth International Veterans Forum «Ukraine. Defenders. The Future» took place in Kyiv. This remarkable event was organized by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine.

More than 500 participants gathered at this annual event, including Ukrainian veterans, defenders, representatives of the Ukrainian government, members of partner countries' governments, diplomats, the public, veteran organizations, business leaders and international partners.

The forum took place in the format of panel discussions, where issues of state veteran policy, health and rehabilitation of veterans, their return to civilian life and reintegration into society were deeply exploring.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened the Forum, he emphasized the importance of the new Ukrainian policy - the policy of Heroes. He stressed the need to honor and provide opportunities for all veterans and soldiers, who contribute to Ukraine's well-being.

The President declared the government's intentions to implement a package of solutions that will help veterans properly integrate into civilian life after military service. He also highlighted that veterans should receive support and opportunities from the government, business and the public. The President honored the millions of people who are fighting and working to preserve Ukraine and urged not to allow the loss of destinies, generations and opportunities.

The Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, Yulia Laputina, expressed her gratitude to the Ukrainian soldiers, who defend the country on the front line, and to all international partners for their support in the fight against Russian aggression. The minister presented the unified state veteran policy «The Path of Veteran», which includes various aspects of veteran support, from social and psychological assistance to education and support for veteran entrepreneurship.

The forum also served as a platform for important dialogues and discussions about veterans' physical and mental health, sports rehabilitation and other aspects of the return to civilian life.

As part of the forum, there was an exhibition of veteran businesses.

We are glad to be a part of this incredibly powerful process of supporting Ukrainian veterans!

Photo by Natalia Kalmykova, Мінветеранів

24 August 2023