Jacob Panton's Visit to Ukraine

Jacob Panton's Visit to Ukraine

On December 13th - 14th, 2023, the well-known veteran of the Danish army and the founder of «Danish Wounded Warriors» Jacob Panton visited Ukraine.

On December 13th, the «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) team visited such cities as Bucha, Irpin and Borodyanka together with Jacob and showed him the consequences of the russian attacks in Kyiv region. There Jacob also met the defenders of Irpin.

Yesterday, on December 14th, 2023, a meeting with Ukrainian veterans took place at the «Kyiv Military Hub», where Jacob shared experience of his service and injuries during a military mission in Afghanistan in 2012.

Jacob is a 42-year-old veteran, enlisted for military service at the age of 18. During this time, he served in Kosovo, Iraq and had 3 rotations in Afghanistan (each lasting 5-7 months) as a private, tank commander and senior sergeant.

«Why isn't he an officer yet with all that experience?» - you could ask. Traditionally, Danish officers stay in the rear, but Jacob likes to be on the battlefield, because, as he says: «We don't fight for politicians, but for the guys, who are next to us».

The most serious injuries the veteran received during his 3rd rotation in Afghanistan (in 2011th-2012th). Sniper bullets, a large amount of shrapnel in his body after an RPG explosion, a lung removed and 45% of the muscle tissue of his left leg, a prosthesis that holds his leg... In total, it took Jacob 6 years for treatment and rehabilitation.

6 years, after which the veteran decided to create an organization, that could help other servicemen integrate into civilian society. This is how «Danish Wounded Warriors» was created. Jacob also created businesses, where currently 88 veterans are employed.

Jacob is convinced, that all veterans should work and earn decently. And for this, first of all, «you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and find new meanings».

«Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) thank Jacob for the visit, for his support and motivation for action!

Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting!

15 December 2023