Innovative Solutions in Prosthetics at «Iron Heroes»

Innovative Solutions in Prosthetics at «Iron Heroes»

On October 27th, an event of great significance for all of Ukraine took place!

Yes, we are talking about «Iron Heroes», organized by the Center for Complex Endoprosthetics, Osseointegration and Bionics, with the support of the Ukrainian Startup Fund.

It was a panel discussion, where leading experts in the field of prosthetics and medical technologies shared their experiences and presented innovative solutions for the rehabilitation of soldiers and civilians affected by the consequences of russian aggression.

The event was attended by representatives of startups that want to contribute to the rehabilitation and reintegration of victims, as well as public organizations, active military personnel, veterans and government representatives.

Such events provide an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, find potential partners and assist Ukrainians to cope with the consequences of the war.

We would like to express our gratitude to the organizers and participants for their willingness to contribute to the future of our military, in which they will be able to lead fulfilling lives.

Speaking of endoprosthetics, we can’t fail to mention Vlad - a veteran, whom our Foundation «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) began supporting immediately after receiving an injury, as a result of which Vlad lost his arm.

We are very happy, that Vlad became the first recipient of a bionic prosthesis immediately, as typically, a mechanical one is initially fitted.

31 October 2023