Focus group study on aspects of psychological reintegration of veterans on 12.05.2023

Focus group study on aspects of psychological reintegration of veterans on 12.05.2023

May 12 marked the first focus group meeting dedicated to discussing aspects of the psychological reintegration of veterans in various systems, including family and friends, as well as the professional community.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation organized the meeting in collaboration with the communication mentor group "Dialog" and experienced psychologists and coaches with significant expertise in psychological well-being.

The focus group research aims to understand veterans' perspectives and expectations and obtain recommendations on how organizations can integrate military veterans into work teams and processes. The focus group format was chosen to facilitate better emotional and meaningful engagement between facilitators and participants. With each of our meetings, we aim to gather deep and comprehensive responses to questionnaire-based inquiries regarding the needs of military personnel and veterans during the reintegration process into the social and professional community. We must discuss the challenges and risks these individuals face when returning to their regular lives and address any aspects that remain unexplored and may be misinterpreted.

We plan to conduct offline and online focus group sessions in the future.

19 May 2023