A trip to the "Warrior Week" in Denmark

A trip to the "Warrior Week" in Denmark

In the darkness that unfolds over the world, there is always a bright ray of light, and that light is unity. War often reveals horizons where we find our greatest strength - in our ability to unite across distance and cultural differences. The recent participation of Ukrainian soldiers and Maryana, project manager of the "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service) Foundation, in the "Warrior Week" in Denmark, organized by the Danish Wounded Warriors, confirms this fact.

With great respect, Denmark opened its arms to the Ukrainian military and veterans, showing how even in the darkest times humanity can find warmth and understanding in a common struggle. After visiting the base of marines "The Frogmen", Maryana and our military witnessed the fact that most of the military equipment and weapons of Denmark had been indeed transferred to Ukraine, which confirmed the deep solidarity of the Danes.

One of the brightest moments of the trip was a visit to the "Jaegers" military base, where the Ukrainian military initiated a shooting competition. Imagine, they set a new RECORD there, impressing everyone and proving their professionalism and skills once again.

Another impressive event was the auction at the gala evening on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Danish Wounded Warriors. The lot, which included two paintings by Ukrainian female veterans, a postcard signed by Valeriy Zaluzhny, and a flag signed by Ukrainian soldiers, was sold for over 20,000 kroner (UAH 122,000).

The "Pislya Sluzby" (After Service) Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude to the organizers, veterans and military personnel for their warm welcome and incredible hospitality. Your support confirms that solidarity has no borders or boundaries. We are sincerely grateful to you for being by our side in these difficult times.

10 September 2024