The story of a sniper who was retrained owing to "After Service"

The story of a sniper who was retrained owing to "After Service"

Education and employment

Meet Julia B, also known as "Metti," a former sniper of a Tornado battalion. She courageously volunteered to join the Ukrainian Army to fight against the Russian invasion in the Donetsk region in 2015. Julia's bravery didn't stop there as she also guarded the frontier with the occupied Crimean Peninsula in 2016-2018.

However, upon returning to civilian life, Julia found it difficult to secure a decent job, and was forced to travel to Poland for seasonal work. But when full-scale war broke out once again, she knew it was her duty to return to Ukraine and help in any way she could.

Julia crossed paths with the "After Service" Fund, at an event, helping veterans’ transition back into civilian life. She registered with the Fund and asked for assistance in finding good sports education courses - as a former athlete, she knew this was the path she wanted to pursue.

Thanks to the Fund, Julia was able to enroll in sports massage courses, and our organization covered the costs. "I feel really happy and encouraged now," says Julia. "I am more confident that I would be able to be useful in my own country!"

Julia's story is a testament to the bravery and resilience of those who have served their country, and to the importance of organizations like the "After Service" Fund in supporting veterans as they navigate life after service.

7 April 2023