«Happy hours» on December 27th, 2023

«Happy hours» on December 27th, 2023

On the last Wednesday of the month, a traditional meeting with veterans took place at the «Veteran Connect» club. This time we gathered in the office of our «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) Charity Foundation.

Together we summarized the year and remembered the path we have taken with you.

Yesterday we felt that such meetings are extremely important! Primarily for our military, because here you can share your news and thoughts with your comrades and like-minded people. For us it is important and valuable to hear you and your stories, to consider your needs and respond to them quickly and efficiently.

We thank each veteran for your trust in our Foundation and for this heartfelt and soulful evening!

«Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) will continue to work actively and dedicatedly to create new opportunities for you!

See you next year.

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28 December 2023