How are creative workshops useful for military personnel and veterans?

Art therapy is a recognized method of improving the mental state. Especially for those who have a traumatic experience and unprocessed emotions.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service) Foundation does everything to bring an exceptionally positive experience to the lives of veterans, military personnel and their family members. And art therapy is in the list of psychotherapy methods approved at the state level for working with the military.

This method has shown its effectiveness in working with PTSD symptoms, depressive and anxiety disorders, reactions to serious stress and adaptation disorders.

Why should you visit our creative master classes?

First, doing creative crafts helps to distract from everyday problems, relieve tension and stress. Concentration on the creative process promotes relaxation and calmness.

Secondly, it is the improvement of socialization. Our master classes are an environment for communication and interaction, forming relationships, support and a sense of community. Military personnel, veterans, volunteers and their families come here, and this is how a comfortable and safe atmosphere "among their own" is created.

Third, through artistic practices, people can express their feelings and emotions that are difficult to express in words. This is especially helpful for those who are experiencing emotional difficulties or trauma.

And, finally, we have already verified more than once that creating something with your own hands causes a feeling of delight and satisfaction. Our master classes distract from everyday life and switch to the world of creativity for at least a few hours.

Sign up for master classes and creative meetings, become part of our community and let us give you exceptionally pleasant emotions!

27 June 2024