Support Groups for Families Waiting for Their Heroes from the War

Support Groups for Families Waiting for Their Heroes from the War

The anticipation of a loved one, brother, husband, or son returning from war can be a challenging phase in a family's life. Stress, uncertainty, fear, and safety concerns all contribute to the psychological burden that affects the family. The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation has launched support groups for families waiting for their heroes to return from war, aiming to help them navigate through this difficult stage.

These support groups provide assistance to women, mothers, and daughters who are awaiting the return of their loved ones. In addition, the support groups allow people to communicate with those who understand their experiences and have been through the same journey.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation organizes meetings and consultations with professional psychologists who help families manage their emotions and navigate challenging situations. They also teach families how to cope during this difficult stage and how to support one another.

Women who have come together under the "Pislya Sluzhby" Foundation not only cheer for their own loved ones but also for every comrade who has become a part of their family. This helps them find support and strength to endure this challenging phase and live fulfilling lives.

3 May 2023