Building a community of Ukrainian veteran service organizations

Building a community of Ukrainian veteran service organizations

In late January, our “After Service” team hosted a community integration event with several veteran service organizations. It was an opportunity to bring a community of volunteers, veterans, government officials, companies, and non-profits together. Together to discuss our unified purpose: improve the quality of life of all Ukrainian veterans.

The main issues discussed during the meeting are:

  • How to improve connections among the veteran support providers
  • Important aspects of psychological assistance to veterans and the need to modernize the view on psychological problems in society,
  • Necessity and difficulties in rehabilitation, Neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation of the nervous system in Ukraine,
  • Opportunities of prosthetics for military in Ukraine and abroad,
  • Needs and possibilities of prosthetics and surgery for military and civilian with severe maxillofacial injuries, adaptation to life,
  • Legal support of military and veterans in Ukraine,
  • Activity of veterans-entrepreneurs and cases of successful projects.

In this evening we had an opportunity to communicate with:

The founder of the organization Edward Marshal about the goals and prospects of "After Service" development,

The command of "After Service": Director of the project Galina Sernivka, coordinator of the project Stepan Moroz, chief adviser on communication with business Igor Shaposhnikov. We spoke about the organization's start-up, about the activities and plans for the future.

Representatives of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine Serhiy Voychuk and Olga Danilova about the complexity and necessity of work with veterans,

The Deputy Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veteran Fund Karina Doroshenko about the Fund activity,

The President of the National psychological Association Valeria Paliy about the possibilities of receiving psychological assistance in Ukraine,

Director of Rehabilitation Center “NextStep Ukraine” Tetyana Grubenyuk and Director of Scientific and practical Center of Neurorehabilitation “Nodus” Oleksandr Kulyk about mental health and rehabilitation of nervous system of veterans,

Director of the “Unlimited” prosthetic center Andriy Ovcharenko about the difficulty of prosthetics of military personnel,

President of the Ukrainian organization of maxillofacial surgery, candidate of medical sciences Vasyl Rybak about maxillofacial surgery, dentistry and prosthetics of military, restoration after difficult wounds,

Head of Association of Entrepreneurs-Veterans of ATO Sergey Poznyak about activity and successful veterans cases,

The directory of public organisation "Legal hundred" Yulia Moriy about legal support and support of existing military and veterans?

and other our partners and friends.

More of this meeting will be published later to introduce each of you to our excellent partners, bold initiatives and people doing a great job in our joint activities.

Photos of meeting 28/01/2023

1 February 2023