Our strategic session has come to an end

Over these past days, our team, together with coach Grygory Kravtsov, discussed the prospects for «Pislya Sluzhby» for the next two years, developed an organizational strategy and planned our future work. We talked extensively about fundraising and grants, how to attract resources and how to strengthen the foundation's operations. These days have made us much more knowledgeable and ready to face new challenges.

Thanks to our teamwork and the support of our coach, we gained many insights and a lot of inspiration. Of course, to achieve this, we had to identify not only our strengths but also the areas we need to improve.

These were indeed very productive days – we set ambitious goals and will achieve them step by step.

We believe that this training will be a starting point, giving our Fund a second wind and a new vision for development. Having a clear plan makes it easier to reach our dreams and stay on course.

This strategic session was held with ISAR Ednannia support within the USAID Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity.

31 May 2024