Series of training to prepare qualified case managers for Patronage Services

Series of training to prepare qualified case managers for Patronage Services

February 21 through February 26, 2024, "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service) Veterans Fund conducted a series of training to prepare qualified case managers for Patronage Services in 5 military units. "Pislya Sluzhby" and "Help Army Kharkiv" developed a training program.

For 6 days our experts trained representatives of units and volunteers to provide:

  • medical support in healthcare institutions (rehabilitation, prosthetics, medical examinations and boards of medical experts);
  • legal support;
  • psychological support and first psychological aid;
  • assistance in veterans transition into civilian life.

Participants of the event received specific knowledge about:

  • military law;
  • prosthetics and the use of rehabilitation aids (both in Ukraine and abroad);
  • medical guarantees and rehabilitation for veterans and military personnel;
  • honoring the memory of Ukrainian Defenders and supporting the families of the deceased and missing;
  • programs for the rehabilitation of combat medics abroad;
  • combatant culture in Ukraine and Western countries;
  • specifics of case management in the context of Patronage Services.

We want to express sincere gratitude to our experts and speakers – Olena Sherzhukova, Kateryna Serdiuk (Repower Charitable Foundation), Anastasiia Volodenkova (NGO "Principle"), Vitalii Todorov, Antonina Saliieva, Viktoriia Miliutina, Azov Patronage Service, The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Olena Schmidt ("Citizen Charity Foundation"), Ivan Skoryk, Iryna Petukhova, Viktoriia Nechiporenko (Israel Trauma Coalition), Marta Pyvovarenko – for their invaluable knowledge that they shared with our participants!

Trainees received "Pislya Sluzhby" and the Israel Trauma Coalition certificates.

As a pleasant bonus to the valuable knowledge, our experts and trainees visited the gallery of live paintings and the only museum of electric guitars in Ukraine, where our participants organized an impromptu concert.

Soon we will start sharing some videos of lectures and seminars.

Stay tuned for our updates.

27 February 2024