During the meeting of the “Veteran Connect” Club in June, a convenient format of the veteran’s meetings was discussed

During the meeting of the “Veteran Connect” Club in June, a convenient format of the veteran’s meetings was discussed

The “Veteran Connect” Club - one of the “Pislya Sluzhby” Foundation’s initiatives, which takes place on the last Wednesday each month for veterans. During those meetings, veterans have the opportunity to spend time with like-minded people, to find support and mutual understanding. We understand that going through significant changes in life requires emotional and social support, therefore it is important for us to create this space for you. 

Our goal is for you to feel as a part of the community, find new friendships and get essential support. 

We see the value and history of veterans’ meetings in other countries, learn their experience. For example, in the US there is a program “Veterans’ Cafes”, where they can meet in an informal atmosphere, to discuss their experience and find support among interlocutors. The UK has veterans’ clubs, where they can spend time together, celebrate events and communicate with organizations, which provide support. 

Veterans and soldiers have their own view of such meetings. Therefore, during the “Pislya Sluzhby”’s meeting on 28th of June, on Constitution Day of Ukraine, those present shared their opinion on the format of meetings they would like. Ones have expressed their willingness to meet with like-minded people, get to know other veterans and soldiers, in addition most of the respondents are ready to share their experience and help other participants, no matter which format the meeting takes place. Others were interested in activities not only inside the office, they expressed their willingness in taking part in hikes, workshops, cinema meetings and other events, which contribute to an active lifestyle and growth. 

Here, in “Pislya Sluzhby” Foundation, we listen carefully to your wishes and needs, we work next to you, developing programs and events together, so they are meeting your expectations. We believe that together we can create special and unforgettable meetings in the Veteran's Club “Veteran Connect”. 

We sincerely thank all your guests who responded to our invitation and came to the meeting of the “Veteran Connect” Club. Your presence and active part in the discussion are incredibly valuable for us. You have shared your ideas, thoughts and wishes, which help us to develop and improve our activity. 

It is very nice that our friends from the Charitable Foundation “Let’s see the Victory” and Vladyslav Yeschenko personally joined the discussion, as well as the legendary Azovstal’ defenders - AZOV, veterans from the Ukrainian Women Veteran Movement (Veteranka), 112 brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces, our defenders and other Foundation’s events guests. 

As always, we are open to your feedback and suggestions. Your opinion - the most important reference for us, and we are happy to hear your ideas about further development of the “Pislya Sluzhby” Foundation and Veterans’ Club “Veteran Connect”. Together we can create a strong community of veterans - a place of mutual understanding and support. 

We are grateful for your service, dedication and courage. Let our common work bring victory closer, as well as joy, well-being and new opportunities. Together we are stronger. 

4 July 2023