Oleksandr Vitsan, case manager of the CF "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service), told RBC-Ukraine where ex-servicemen go to work

Oleksandr Vitsan, case manager of the CF "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service), told RBC-Ukraine where ex-servicemen go to work

60% want to change their profession. How veterans look for work and what fields they choose

Currently, 1.2 million veterans are registered in Ukraine, and after the war's end, including their family members, this number will increase to 5-6 million people. Due to physical injuries and psychological conditions, some veterans cannot work in their previous specialty.

RBC-Ukraine asked Oleksandr Vitsan, case manager of the "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service) Fund, about where ex-servicemen go to work.

Employment of veterans

"Today, veterans returning from the war to civilian life face many problems. These are health, psychological, legal, and housing problems. As a result, questions arise - where exactly to move, what profession to choose, where to get relevant knowledge, and where to look for a job?" - says the expert.

According to him, 60% of veterans want to change the profession they had before the war. Someone due to damaged health in the war or a psychological state.

"Also, most of them need short-term training (a maximum program for a minimum amount of time). That is, in many cases, veterans cover the demand at the expense of short training programs, not universities, although they also go there," says Vitsan.

Every tenth veteran opens his own business

The expert notes that about 10-14% of veterans plan to open their own business. Now they have the opportunity to take advantage of many state programs.

"For example, the Employment Centers have a large list of services they provide. For those who enter the labor exchange, there is an opportunity to obtain certificates for more than 140 new specialties in various educational institutions of Ukraine. For those who are not on the labor exchange, there is an opportunity to apply for a voucher, the maximum amount is UAH 30200," the expert says.

You can also get grants or advice on them through the exchange.

What directions are the most popular?

"Our foundation approaches veterans and active military in this matter in two directions. We conduct training in groups for a certain profession and through tuition payments at the individual request of veterans. Those who cannot decide on a profession are referred to HR specialists for help in choosing a profession ", - notes Vitsan.

Most often, veterans choose IT, learning English, obtaining a psychologist's education, obtaining labor specialties, etc.

"Now there are many opportunities for veterans to get a new specialty, the main thing is to look for and use them. The economy is lacking in workers," says the expert.

1 July 2024