Support of a young veteran by the «Pislya Sluzhby»

Support of a young veteran by the «Pislya Sluzhby»

Oleksiy is only 24 years old.

Despite his young age, he is already a war veteran.

Before the full-scale invasion, Oleksiy was professionally engaged in music. However, on February 26th, 2022, he volunteered for military service.
During his service he participated in the battles for the South-East and had combat injuries. On September 15th, 2022, he discharged to take care of his mother, who has a disability.

After completing the rehabilitation, Oleksiy turned to the «Pislya Sluzhby» for assistance with legal issues. He is currently working with our lawyer.

We also helped Oleksiy to find a job, thanks to which, even after the end of his military service, he applies all his energy and skills to ensure the fastest victory of Ukraine.

Oleksiy has an insatiable thirst for knowledge - he was one of the first to register for the software testing and quality assurance group, organized by the Foundation, he is learning English in our courses and practices it in our speaking club. He is also actively involved in other Foundation's projects.

7 November 2023