Rehabilitation of military Valery: significant progress

Rehabilitation of military Valery: significant progress

"Your husband is wounded, but he is ALIVE"

These words marked the beginning of a day in January 2023 for the Valery's wife. Since then, she has read many messages, reports, and diagnoses...... Valery received a life-threatening head injury in the Lysychansk direction. But he survived, although for some time he was in complete immobility.

After all possible surgeries and the installation of a titanium plate on the skull, Valery was transferred to the private Medical Rehabilitation Center "Modrychi" in Lviv Region. This is the only institution that agreed to accept such a complex patient. The cost of rehabilitation in it is UAH 200,000 per month.

The "Pislya Sluzhby" ("After Service") Fund joined the fundraising effort for the first month and a half, contributing 246,400 UAH.

And yesterday, wonderful news came from Valery's wife! He is moving his left arm and left leg... WALKING with the help of a rehabilitation therapist.

'He is already showing emotions and smiling, he recognizes his loved ones,' - writes Valery's wife.

This news fills us with hope!

We continue to raise funds for further rehabilitation and encourage you to support the defender with a donation:

Support Ukrainian veterans with a donation via the link.

Read more – in the Results section.

26 July 2024