“A simple jump to the bottom of the trench caused a serious injury” - Mykhailo’s story about the war, recovery, education and work.

“A simple jump to the bottom of the trench caused a serious injury” - Mykhailo’s story about the war,  recovery, education and work.

Training and work

Mykhailo O.V. has contacted us, he returned after the military service and had a military experience since 2020. He served, building the fortification constructions in Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk region in the second defense line. When during his service he had to jump into the trench, he injured his leg. 

Earlier Mykhailo was interested in learning massage techniques, and now he plans to continue his training and work in this field. Therefore he contacted the “Pislya Sluzhby” foundation with the request to help him acquire new knowledge and practice in massage. 

The Foundation has paid for his training in Human Health Clinics. He successfully finished his training with excellent reports from his teachers. 

Mykhailo’s story

“My journey as a military man had begun in the end of 2020. At that time I didn’t know how dramatically my life would change, as well as the lives of millions of Ukrainians. To be honest, because of choosing Air Assault Forces as an example of successful reform of the Army, I wanted to get in there and nowhere else. My will has led me to the 81st Separate Aero-Mobile Brigade 5th BTG, in this exact brigade I gained military experience for 1 year and 7 months. 

One month before the awaited return to home the full-scale war has begun. That morning the duty Sergeant came to us, sleeping young men, and in a quiet and calm tone said: “Boys, wake up, get ready, the war has started” - Sergeant Oleksienko's reaction impressed me and enriched my confidence that everything was under control. Under the circling of enemy fighter jets we were slowly organized and started to come to one’s senses. We were acting only in the composition of the company of conscripts and were not involved in subversive and reconnaissance tasks. Our only task was to protect the regiment’s permanent location. First mobilized started to arrive around 6:30 am, straight from the military recruitment office, they were the one who knew what was going to happen.  

Shortly before going to Zaporizhzhya Region, at the time of an active shelling of Kharkiv I met first convoys with refugees and those with difficult fate. After a while the company commander arrived and told us about possible departure. By verbal agreement lists of tree platoons for strengthening of Rear Control Point 10 kilometers away from the collision line were agreed. Of course, many of us were not ready for such a risk, however, the understanding of the fact that day after day the battle was continuing, and we were just blinking our eyes while watching the news, caused far not the best feelings. Months in a combat situation tempered and strengthened our young collective, we returned as if we spent time on a remote island, but that wasn’t our last experience. 

In the Donetsk Region, in Sloviansk direction our tasks were building fortification constructions and additional positions. Life there wasn’t disastrous at all, everyone withstood adequately all the challenges and issues. Also under my command was a small detachment of a platoon of a fire support company, day after day we went to positions. While moving within the position, a simple jump to the bottom of the trench led to a serious injury. It was a fracture of one of the foot bones…

After some time I was quickly evacuated to the Dnipro, there professionally and quickly on the next day synthesis of the metallic system was carried out and complete fixation of the fracture was done. Due to the constant influx of the evacuation groups, only those in difficult medical conditions were able to stay there, therefore I departed further according to the evacuation plan. Final destination on my way was Kyiv. I was happy to see it not just as a transit point for almost two and a half years, after - treatment and recovery. Returning to civilian life I am highly motivated to help myself and others. Massages - the first thing I started to do, and not that much time has passed but applied techniques of and influence on the body have entered my life. Currently I am healing, rehabilitating and simply improving the condition of everyone who wants it in my personal studio “Health Studio7”.

30 June 2023