Legal support for military Eduard

Legal support for military Eduard

Legal aspects of military service sometimes require attention and regulation. The "Pislya Sluzhby" (After Service) Foundation and its partners also work in the legal field.

Eduard is an active military man who has served since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. He participated in the battles for Irpin - as part of the Irpin TRO. Then he signed a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Eduard is constantly on combat tours, as a result of which he received a concussion, which significantly affected his well-being (headaches, high blood pressure, hearing, and memory problems).

He appealed to the fund for help in obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. We hired a lawyer who settled the matter, and Eduard got a certificate that will help him get back to health.

The soldier's face is hidden for security reasons.

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12 July 2024