Oil painting workshop 9.09.2023

Oil painting workshop 9.09.2023

On September 9, 2023, a master class on oil painting was conducted within the walls of our Foundation led by the director of «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service), veteran and talented artist, Halyna Morar.

During the master class, Galina familiarized the participants with art materials, provided guidance on working with oil paints, and demonstrated various brushstroke techniques. Our students were introduced to the artistic techniques used in Gustav Klimt's renowned painting «The Golden Girl» and had the opportunity to create their own unique masterpieces.

Such workshops serve as another means of integrating veterans into civilian life and offer a form of psychological rehabilitation. They not only enable participants to develop their creative skills and potential but also foster new creative connections.

To stay informed about upcoming master classes hosted by «Pislya Sluzhby» (After Service) please follow our creative Telegram channel and visit our website.

11 September 2023