Creative Pysanka Workshop

Creative Pysanka Workshop

We held a wonderful Pysanka (Ukrainian Easter egg) masterclass under the guidance of Olena Pochtariova.

This art form has existed for hundreds (or maybe even thousands!) of years. Similar creations were made by the Scythians as early as the 4th century BC, and the ones found in the territory of Kyivan Rus date back to the 11th-13th centuries. 

During the Soviet Union era, the tradition of Pysanka was suppressed and portrayed as a lost tradition, which almost led to its demise. However, the Ukrainian diaspora actively preserved and supported Pysanka abroad, which likely became one of the cornerstones in preserving our ancient tradition and spreading it worldwide, not only among Ukrainians. Since Ukraine's independence, this art has been actively developing and thriving. Pysanky are created yearly for Easter, serving as protective talismans for families and symbols of abundance.

Numerous legends and beliefs surround Pysanka, and countless techniques and traditions exist. Over time, materials, forms, rituals, and symbolism have evolved. Today, eggs are decorated in any desired style and manner, as the boundaries for imagination are limitless.

During our masterclass, we used the traditional ancient decorating technique with beeswax. Under the expert guidance of the master, each participant created their unique protective Pysanka. Throughout the workshop, we discussed the peculiarities of working with a stylus and wax, explored the traditions of Pysanka from various regions of Ukraine, and became familiar with symbols, traditional colors, and techniques. Each participant chose their symbols and infused them with personal meaning.

These incredible masterclasses allow participants to momentarily escape from the mundane and immerse themselves in the world of creativity for a few hours. They also offer a chance to find like-minded individuals and friends during our weekly gatherings.

To register, join our Telegram group and invite your friends. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meetings.

7 April 2023